Sunday, September 17, 2006

Heebie Jeebies

Some people have wondered what it was that set us off on our homeschooling journey. Initially I had no altruistic or lofty goals, those came much later. Mostly, it was because it was easier than the alternative; easier to keep them in one place than registering, unregistering, and re-registering during our unsettled period; easier than traveling back and forth two times a day in a boat I wasn't very skilled at operating in questionable weather; easier than getting up too early in the morning; easier than preparing uniforms and lunches and participating in giftwrap and bake sales. Way easier.

My number one reason for educating my children at home, however, was to avoid this.

During our recent conversion to public education, we had been fairly lucky in avoiding this particular plague.

Until today.

Elle has had an itchy head for the past few weeks. Never saw anything. No nits, no bugs, no bites, no redness, no flakes. Nada. Nothing.

Then today, after moisturizing her scalp all night with coconut oil in an attempt to relieve a possibly dry scalp, and a discussion with the Sunday Market's soap crafter about the most beneficial bar for itchy skin, and the purchase of Neutrogena T-Gel shampoo and a special comb just to be sure, we found what appears to be
our first nit.

Go ahead, scratch your head in sympathy. It is feeling pretty crawly up there right about now, isn't it? Guess who she's been sleeping with all week since Dad left?

Giving credit where credit is due, the teacher/dad of one of the girl's friends did not snatch his daughter and run screaming in the other direction when I sought his expert opinion today. He said lice are a part of living in the tropics and no big deal. They have gone several rounds with the nasty little buggers in his home.

Tomorrow the kids will stay home and we will douse ourselves in highly toxic pesticide.

Or shave our heads.

Or both.

I consider your conduct unethical and lousy.

-- Peter Arno

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