Saturday, March 31, 2007


It's a little hard to see how big she's grown without a visual reference, but in the first pictures I could carry her under one arm and now I can bearly fit her all on my lap (and according to my youngest daughter, it's a pretty voluminous lap.) She comes up three inches above my knees and you can almost pet her without bending over. She is absolutely solid muscle which I discovered when I had to hose out her mouth after she went for a cane toad (Bufo marinus.)

My friend says you can look into the face of a Rhodesian Ridgeback and never really be sure what they're thinking.

Here she is trying to stalk me in the freshly mown yard...

...and here's the last thing a lion ever sees...

(She went from 0 to 60 in one spring, cleared my head and bit me on the behind before I could even turn around.)

I restrain myself a great deal. I don't say it, or I phrase it differently. But now and again I drop a lulu because I cannot resist it.

-- Hugh Leonard

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