Wednesday, April 23, 2008


After her school work was done, and after a little time on Toon Town, Elle had aikido. Miss D, the instructor's wife, and Elle knocked each other around a bit.

When class was over we spent some time cuddling and feeding Penelope, a rescued baby padymelon Miss D and her family are nursing until it can be released back to the wild. Penelope has been in their care for at least six weeks. She was hairless when they first got her. That small you never know if they'll make it or not. So far, so good.

Those are my hands. That's all you're going to see of me today. That's enough.

The five minute drive home was uneventful, but spectacular.

If you look real hard, up on the side of the mountain, just above the center line of the road, it's practically pointing at it, there's a little break in the trees, and right there, that little dot...see it?...that's our landlords' house. The guesthouse we rent is not visible but is located down a little to the left of the Big House. The first house we rented was on a street that turns off to the left just where the road seems to end. Pretty good photo considering it was shot through the windshield. By me. As I was driving. (Miss Booshay understands.)

We were in a hurry to leave the house for akido (blame the aforementioned Toon Town) when we discovered a baby snake under the carport on our way out the door. In our rush to leave, we tipped this container over him to take a look when we got back and maybe identify it. As you can see, it was still there.

Even though we let him go, he was not very happy. We suspect it was venomous. Pretty much anything but a python is around these parts.

A person can stand almost anything except a succession of ordinary days.

-- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Fe said...

If you were local, I'd probably guess dugite... but I have no idea about the eastcoast!

Donna Boucher said...

Bee-you-tee-ful pictures!!!

Your daughter's eyes are wonderful!