Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Stage Four

Five weeks flew by and now we are packing up to return to Australia. Nearly all books and most articles of clothing have been jettisoned as plans remain to fly back to Florida once we tidy up all those loose ends. We finally told the girls and it has been a very emotional 48 hours.

For those persons residing in the States, please, when you hear of our pending return do not reply with “Oh, Good!” or any variation of that thought. Though it’s tempered with sincere delight at seeing us once more, you may end up on our list of people to never speak to again. Just a friendly warning.

I have been trying to convince my head that this is the right decision (and that I ever had any real say in the outcome), but my heart tells me we are making a horrible mistake.
We are rapidly working through Elisabeth Kubler-Ross’s five stages of grief, Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance, but seem to have stalled out at least one step before Acceptance. It will be a long time coming I’m afraid.

Despite all my rage
I am still just a rat in a cage.

-- Billy Corgan/Smashing Pumpkins


Anonymous said...


L, I'm so very sorry. I don't envy you having to break the news. Or getting on the plane from Australia to the States. I'm so sorry...

Rebel said...

Oh no! I had no idea there was a chance of your returning to the states. I have loved following your Australian adventure. (((L)))

Anonymous said...

Hey L-
You've just gotta go with the flow....
You've done it before, you can do it again. You'll get back to where you want to be eventually!
